When you have a family, you might think that you and your spouse can “lay down the law” with your children or each other should need be. While that’s all well and good, have you ever wondered what would happen if communication ever broke down between both of you? Or if one of you got into a compromising accident and could no longer provide? Perhaps a couple of years down the road you both feel that you’ve grown apart, and you both seek out divorce lawyer services to end your legal union. Then what?

Although we may never stop to think about the importance of family law within our society, it is worth considering. Not as some abstract academic concept that has no bearings on the real world but as something that could intimately help (and protect) your life and loved ones. People may associate family law with negative aspects such as divorce or property division, but it also plays many positive roles in helping to decide child custody, steer the assets of the marriage in a positive direction for all, and dissolve bad unions as easily as possible. In this article, we’ll highlight why family law is so important to our society and how it can affect you in multiple ways.

It Takes a Rational Approach to Marriage and Family

Our minds are fraught with emotions, worries, desires, and fears when it comes to the terms “marriage” and “family.” It is therefore wholly understandable that when these systems or institutions stop working for us, we become highly emotional and apt to make rash or bad decisions based on trying to stop the pain. Family lawyers are not a part of our families or marriage, and can therefore act as rational third-party stewards to guide us through this process and out the other end in a positive fashion. By inserting rationality into the divorce, child custody, or asset division process, they are sincerely trying to make things better for everyone involved.

They Act in the Best Interests of Everyone

Family lawyers are unique in that they are not particularly focused on winning a case against the state, proving crimes, or seeking damages. They surely can do all of these things and sometimes must, but in the majority of cases, family lawyers are trying to act in the best interests of everyone involved to separate together. Especially if there are children involved, family law tends to focus on what will be best for the child — not whether this is fair to one spouse or the other. They must weigh a whole host of considerations in balance in order to come to the best conclusions for everyone involved.

They’re Aware of Their Reputation, But Still Soldier On

Did you know that there are over 70,000 licensed attorneys practicing in Texas right now? While many of them are criminal defense attorneys or property litigation specialists, more than a handful are family law practitioners, divorce lawyers, and child custody attorneys. They are well aware that their specialty comes with a certain reputation that people may not like, and certainly, they have felt the criticism that must come when they inevitably tell people what they do for a living. Yet, they continue to soldier on because they know that without their hard work there is little recourse for families in legal distress. This is admirable, and should you ever need their help it would only be wise to thank them.

Glue That Holds a Fragile System Together

As we stated before, family lawyers and their associates tend to get a bad reputation for what they practice. People malign them for enabling divorce, breaking up families, and giving custody of a child to one spouse versus the other. But these lawyers are sincere in using their abilities to help everyone involved find the best solutions for them as the law allows. Many of these lawyers have families of their own and do not want to see unnecessary pain, separation, or anxiety on the part of family members and try to mitigate against it. By taking a rational approach to marriage and family management, they often get optimal solutions for bad situations where it seems like there are none and should be applauded for.